I found these canvases at a yard sale 75&25 cents! Can't beat that! I plan on painting over them with some altered art , not sure what yet. The one on top with what looks like sunflowers has a lot of
goopy texture on it, not sure what they were trying to do on that one. The one on the bottom is a nice painting with a sweet girl in a wild flower pasture. I might hang this one up for awhile. It will be sometime before I get to it, but I could not pass it up at this time with a price of 75 cents.

Got a bunch of old round head cloths pins a few weeks ago at a yard sale. So I wrapped some of my vintage and new lace around them. They look like sweet little girls all bundled up in lace blankets. Anyway that's my story on them. The vase I found lying around here it is new not old. Looks old tho.

I got more post cards in the mail. I have 4 more to get then I'll have my 10. This one is from Shelly and she lives in Canada. Looks like these (" chilly Canadian roses as she calls them") are done in water colors. This is really a pretty card and I think this would make a beautiful back ground for and art journal page. I cant find a blog for her, so Shelly if you have one please post it in the comments here. Thanks for the post card!
This creative post card is from Betsy and she lives in GA. She was at a writing retreat when she sent this. Boy does that sound like fun. I need help in that area. It looks like she has many layers on this card. Her web site is
http://www.wildthymecreative.com/ She said she would explain the process on her site. Thanks for the card.
Another creative post card this time a little different. A very nice play on words done on the computer. I have not done much computer art but I sure would like to when I get a new computer that is. This is from Deborah and she lives in IN. Thanks for the unique post card.

Well that's it for now thanks for looking. All comments are welcome :)