Squares done with the credit card technique again, I like using the credit card because it covers a large area and fast.I will stamp and do some more to this paper. You all should try painting some of these papers to use, in your art work and even scrap booking. If they curl a little on you , then just iron them a little. With a dry iron, not steam. 

PEARL SMITH ALTERED ART ARTIST : I went to the Strawberry Festival here in Melbourne yesterday. I enjoyed the event and met a couple neat ladies. This first artists is Pearl Smith a local altered art artist She had a booth full of framed collages and other painted altered art. She is doing some things with "the girls" she learned how to paint on the Internet. Kinda like I am trying to do, but hers are much better than my early attempts. lol I hope to be able to get with her so we could work on some art together. What I really would like to do is get a group going or join up with such a group. Anyone living in Melbourne Fl and would like to do this feel free to contact me.

WEATHER IN MELBOURNE FL: Rain some yesterday with in and out sunshine. Temp 70's

Today cloudy so far and temps to be in the 70's Nice :)
I wanted to add pic's of some more of hand painted paper I did this week but having problems with this computer Grrrrrrrrrrrr! I will try later to add to it. You can click on the pic's to get a better peak at Pearl's great art!
I will post tomorrow about the other artist I met.
I want to thank all those that are following this blog. Welcome to all of you! Also please feel free
to leave a comment they mean a lot to me.
If you want to check out other adventures of Grammynmaggie check out our other blog.http://grammyandthepapillonprinces.blogspot.com/
Thats it for now thanks for looking and come back soon!
Blessings to all
Donna & Maggie too
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