CLOSE UP OF FLOWERS: They were punched out of some of my hand painted paper. They embellish a piece of old world atlas. All the words were found and cut from magazines. I really like doing these pages. 

POST CARD SWAP: Well I did it, joined my first swap! I got them all done this weekend even tho I don't need them till April. I cant show them to you yet, because someone in the swap just might read my blog and see them. They are much more fun with the element of surprise. So here is a couple of pic's, just the corner of 3 post cards. Sorry the first one is so blurry, flowers with cut butterfly colored with chalk pencils.

CORNERS OF TWO POST CARDS. The one on the left is victorian, and the one on the right is sea/beachy, that is a mermaid in the corner. I had so much fun doing these post cards, that I am making more! I can tell you I made them by altering vintage post cards I already had. I will show you pic of them after I send out min
Here is a link to swap.

That's all for now thanks for looking! Make any comments you like!
Thank you for sharing the info. I found the details very helpful.