Still having puter problems so havn't been able to post as often...Here is the flea market pic's from last week this is the corner of my spot ...didn't have much ...made my table money and a few extra...going to try it again. Man across from me said I needed more "junkie stuff" well I have plenty of started to clean out garage this week.

This is a pic down from my spot Amish looking over the goodies. They buy alot.
Had one amish lady buy a spatula and another buy a piece of material.

Here are a few things I learned about fleamarket selling,,,
set up on the long side of a row...I watched people going the whole way along the row...and ignore my side with only 3 table set up.
Set up in the sun...if its spring time.
Sell cheap...
well thats all for now...
blessings to all
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