SAW YESTERDAY: Saw this guy yesterday when Maggie and I were taking a walk at our local park, I think I have posted pic's of this park in my other blog, I might still post some here. I don't know what he is, but he sure was pretty and cool to see. He would not let me get to close, so with my cheapo camera this is the best I could do. I want a camera like Judy and Emma , not that I could take great pic's like she does!


ANOTHER PARK FOUND CACHE: This is another one of those parks located all over Melbourne. This one had a cache hiding in a tree. The GPS took us right to the spot all I had to do was locate it. Looked all over down low then looked up and there it was hiding in a tree. I just love these little parks and they all seem to have a cache n them. If it wasn't for geocaching I would never know the were here.


WEATHER IN MELBOURNE FL. Woke up to sunshine and warm this am. Temp 70's. By late after noon clouds started to roll in. Getting storms over nite and into tomorrow.

I still am going to the gym every morning, and trying to watch what I eat. Just going for a week has made a difference in my energy level, I cant believe how good I am feeling already. Now to lose this fat. lol
Well thats all for now thanks for stopping and come back soon.
Blessings to all
Donna & Maggie too.
I see PA is going to get some snow tonite.....sorry ....lol lol
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