Well I finally did it! Signed up at Planet Fitness on Friday. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time, years in fact. Back in 03 when I was in auto accident and had to go for therapy I
just continued on with the gym for about a year. Then for some stupid reason I quit. Dumb, because I never felt better as when I was going to gym. LOL , boy did I notice a big difference from before and now. Big fat belly gets in the way when on some of the machines! Any way I am committed for 1 year. Losing weight is another goal for this year. But need to get this going right now. By the way this place is really cheap ! $10 a month, back in PA where I lived it was $55 a mon. and that was a senior discount! Not a Planet Fitness there.
Been working on my art every day, here is a pic of some painted paper I made this week. I just use my acrylic paint I had from before, and made it using the Best By add in the Sunday paper.
I learned that from ready my art blogs, you can make hand painted paper for your altered art using any kind of paper. I made a few more pages in my Junk Journal, I will post soon. I found a rolling wire cart at a yard sale yesterday 5 bucks. I plan on using it to go back and forth from Florida / art room to my room in the house. When its too hot or too cold I can not work out there. So I will take the cart to where ever ,filled with what I am working on. I would love to have A/C out there because its more hot than cold. A few days in Dec. & Jan. that's all the cold here.
I went to an art show this AM over at the beach. Lot of nice booths, forgot my camera. After that I walked on the beach for awhile, seen a guy using a metal detector and stopped to talk with him. As we were talking I was not paying attention and big wave came in and got me wet from the knees down, was a little cold but not bad. The guy was telling me he just got started beach combing not finding much .. But he did say a fellow out there yesterday found 5 rings. I have always wanted to do that. When my kids were little I got them one for Christmas one time, we had fun with that. I think that will be something for the future when I have "EXTRA" LOL money.
The cache of the day is one found last week at a toy store. Was pretty easy to find, had to wait out a employee muggler, gathering up shopping carts. My GPS was off a little but I found it!
Off to watch my STEELERS Beat the crap outa the black birds LOL
Well that's all for now thanks for stopping and looking.
blessings to all
Donna & Maggie too.
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