WHEELED CART: This is the cart I got at a yard sale the other day. It was only $5 I got a good deal here that's for sure! It has wheels and is in like new condition. It seems like I get a lot of good stuff for $5. Dad always ask me when I get home what did I get for $5 today. lol I got some card board at WM to put on the shelves. They are those boxes that they have under a display of cans, like soup, like these were. I just condense a couple so I can get the box. I said in my last post how I was going to use it. I am really pleased with it!



WEATHER IN MELBOURNE FL. Weather today was not so good. Warm 70's but had storms with tornado warnings all afternoon. I think we got about an inch of rain.

The cache today was found last week in one of those parks that seem to be around every Conner here in Melbourne. I love them. You can stop and enjoy them at anytime. This day we went out caching there were 5 caches we found in these 5 little parks. There is one little park by WM that I stop at often just to sit and watch the birds and eat lunch. The other day (didn't have camera again) one brave little Ibis bird jumped right on my hood and was look at me face to face, I think he has a habit of doing this, as he was not afraid at all. He was a little different than the others as he had a lot of brown feathers.
Any way back to the cache this was an easy find, GPS took me right to it, but I had to wait out a couple muggles with kids playing on swings. But it is nice in these parks so Maggie and I walked around checking it out.
I really need to start taking my camera with me all the time. Like this am when taking Maggie out for her business walk, right over the tree tops in front of my face there was a large bird carrying a fish in his claws. Now how often do you see that while walking on your street. Not in Pa that's for sure. I can not tell you what kind of bird it was, 1. I don't know my birds, and 2. I could not see it against the sky that well.
Went to the gym today and really glad I signed up. I only have been going since last Friday and I already like the way I feel. Its great! I only live about 1 mile away so I think will go everyday. I do a 30 min work out that they have set up. Makes it easy you don't have to figure out what machines and what order to use them. It is all laid out for you. I just have to remember how many lbs on which machines.
Well that's all for now thanks for taking a look and come back soon.
Blessings to all
Donna & Maggie too
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