PAINTED PAPER : Painted with an old credit card, then I use some mesh ribbon to make the cross hatch marks. I used a scrunched up ball of wax paper to make some gold splash marks. This is a page in my learning journal. Its not finished I want to do some stamping on it and then it will be ready to embellish and journal on.

PAINTED PAPER : This one was also painted with a credit card. Green, blue, and gold were the colors used. While it was still wet I used the bottom of two different sized paint bottles to make the circles. This one is not finished yet either, not sure what I want to add to it yet. Maybe stamps.

PAINTED PAPER: This is the last one I did today, it was painted with the credit card again using black and white paint. It is pretty bold so I am not sure what to do with it. 

GUY # 1 : These are two guys I met yesterday while shopping at Old Time Pottery. If I had a printer I would print them out and use them as back grounds in my altered art. I thought they were pretty cool looking. They are large sun made of metal to hang on the wall. I would use them out side here in FL. I was just looking to see what new they were getting in for spring, did not buy anything.
GUY #2
WEATHER IN MELBOURNE FL: Temp 65 with sun and wind. But still a great day. Especially when looking at the rest of the country's weather.

GUY #2

Went to the gym today, I only went 3 days this week, I hurt something last week so I am cooling it down this week and doing my workout with less weight. I think was in too big a hurry. Today it went much better. Picked up a few things at WM what would we do with it. WM that is.
Found out why Maggie has been acting so strange, this morning after our walk, I looked at her hip and found another hot spot. I was not there yesterday. I have been after her all day to leave it alone, which being a dog, she just wants to lick it to death and that is what makes it worse. I sure wish I knew what was causing these .
Tomorrow I am taking her and going to some yard sales and do a couple geocaches. She misses her "ride in the truck". At home she was used to taking at least one ride a day. Not now.
That's it for now, thanks for looking and come back soon