I am working on a few swaps I just joined. Go over to Tee's and join in the fun.
http://thealteredpaper.blogspot.com/ you will be glad you did. Here is a pic of my messy work space!

I don't have a "real" beading tray so I made this with a box top and a piece of felt. Keeps the beads on the desk and not on the floor!! I mostly use glass & vintage beads from old jewelry. Some newer acrylic beads also.

This is a sneak peak at one of the swaps I joined. Have to make 3 sets of 3 stick pins. Love - valentine is subject. I love making stick pins. I think I will start putting them in more of my projects. I will show you the finished product later, they don't have to be sent until the 16th and I don't know how soon after that I will get my 3 back.

Here are a few of the mini albums that I revamped from ones I did last year. I tore them apart and re-papered them now just need to embellish them.

And finally :) my faithful helper little Maggie, she like to be in the craft room and play with her toys . No carpet out there and balls bounce really good! She is looking kinda mean ..... she hates to get pic taken always looks away got this one before she did, but she started to put her ears back and that make her look mean lol.

WEATHER in Melbourne FL : Well, it's cold in Florida today! Windy and 41 here but lower in north FL. High only 50 but sunny, it still will be cold with the wind. Guess there is a chill factor here also. I found this web site
http://minialbumscraps.ning.com/ joined it and now doing my first swap there. Looks like it will be alot of fun, lots of swaps. I just joined one so far, but got it done so I might do a few more. It works different that what I am use to, you send your swap to one person with return postage, and she then sends the projects back out. That is alot of work for the host. Well all for now thanks for looking and come back soon