Went to the moving sale on sat and was the first dud of the yr.
Maggie and I went for "several walks" she loves outside and
walking. Seen Mr. squril that teases her evry chance he gets.
She runs after him up a tree he goes and Maggie trying to climb
tree right behind him....its a hoot..then when she can't get up the tree
she grrrrrrrrrrrrrrs at it and tries to bite the bark off!! She does this
Nice here today...so started yard work. Pulled the leaf and mess of they
spring bed and croc's are coming up. Also pruned some roses.
Here is a pic of my DD's roses by her kitchen window taken 2 yrs ago
Don't have any on this puter of mine.
Later Gater
I see what you mean1 It came up when I did that also...let me investigate!