Well we made it back to Florida on Friday. Left on wed morning after having breakfast with my sister. She made it for us. Then we got to VA about 3 pm to visit with my daughter. Went to dinner with daughter, grandson and his wife. Dad got a room at the red roof inn, and Maggie and I a good sleep in the van. Morning son in law took a half day off to see us off (he had to work late on wed) so him, daughter, dad and me went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Then before we left, had to check on getting a pair of shoes. No luck. Then a stop at WM to get a battery operated fan. It was really hot in the van last nite.
I was really hard pressed for beach/bathing beauty scraps. I did find this one image, and that was it! So this is the tag I was able to come up with. The blue fish like thing is an old earring! I think it looks just like a fish and the hole was in the right spot for a fish eye.!

We traveled to Richburgh SC. on Thursday, 7 hrs. Lots of miles. Dad stayed at a very nice Motel 6 and Maggie & me stayed in the parking lot. Sleeping in the van again. Good thing I bought that fan because the further south we go the hotter it gets. The fan worked out very well, but I can see I will need to get rechargeable batteries and a charger. I takes 8 D batteries, and only will last 24 hrs. For now it will be a must have, camping in these southern states.
The next tag is a fall for the tag of the month over at Tee's again. This one I had better luck with, I had the pumpkin paper and the orange ribbon, and the pumpkin colored buttons. So was able to do this one easy :)
And a few things that went along for the ride. I know I am way behind on my posting but now will get caught up. Got the van all unpacked and ready to set up my craft/art room. It will be in the Florida room again. I wish I had room inside the house for it, but to to be. It is very hot and muggy here, and rainy. Storms going thur all the time, one right now.

Thanks to all the kind words expressed with the lose of my brother in July. I just don't have the words to say anything, it is still so hard for me. Thanks all. Come back and visit soon, I will be posting more often now.
PS. I will post next on some swaps I received.