Got my April tag from Denise at I am late posting. Thanks so much for the cute bunny Denise. love it!!
I got a RAK in the mail from my cyber friend Tee. She got a new printer, she knows I don't have one yet and she printed off a few pages of great crafting images . Thanks so much Tee!!
Close up of some pages. I love all these! Cant wait to use them , I will be taking them north with me.

Here is a sneak peak of something beachy I have been working on. I will have it done before I leave.

And last but not least :) Maggie got a new dogie mobile. Is she not the cutest thing! I got this dog stroller at the flea market yesterday. I have been looking in the pet stores, and all they have are ugly black strollers. Besides being ugly, black will bake a little dog in the hot Florida sun. What do these people think anyway?? They have a nice little pet shop at the flea market and I had seen these there last year. So went to check them out and got this one. It comes apart, and is a carrier, and a car seat. Cant beat that. And was a few buck cheaper than the ugly black ones. She seams to like it ok, I wheeled her around the house then in the drive way today and she did ok. She hates to have her pic taken, when I was trying to take this, she turned her head away, I told her I see a kitty and she jerked around and I snapped it lol. This will come in handy when traveling, she can now go everywhere with me and we can be tourist & see things. Was limited before, cause could not leave her in hot truck. All for now thanks for looking and come back soon.