Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
PIC 1- Got this sweet looking package in the mail. How cool is that with the butterflies.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thought I would leave you with a few pic's of Maggie. Here she is winter before last we were snowed in trying to get to Florida. Take a close look she has her snow boots on. LOL She had no problem wearing these as it was so cold she could not go out without them. With in minutes she would be lifting her paws wanting me to pick her up. Also when she sees me with a camera she looks away it really is hard to get her face. Click on pic for close up.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011
I joined another swap! Love doing these. This one you are to use a paper towel roll. Cut it glue down one end and decorate. I got mine done and the pic below is a sneak peek at it.
When you get done you are to fill it with sweet little bits and pieces. When I get done I will show you all, I don’t want to give it away in case my swap partner might read my blog.
Short post today thanks for looking and come back soon!
Blessings Donna
Friday, May 6, 2011
This is a close up of the blue on one sheet of paper you can see the texture of the wall paper.
This is the three sheets that I used for this batch of paper.
Close up of paper layered using paint and old paper doily and a piece of screen that is the squares.
More doily stencils.
This is a coaster that is in the shape of the sun I used as a stencil.
I am using the live writer and still not sure where the text is going to show up or how. I hope I get use to it soon. I had a whole post wrote up with pic’s and all . Well it end up on the wrong blog. Sometimes when I go to type the letter I it changes the fonts to italics. Having this new computer does not help very sencitive and I touch thing not knowing and zap something happens and I have know idea what or how and do not know how to fix it. I still can not find the save button.
Pearl got some out dated wall paper books and she shared some with me, and that is what I used here. I have 3 frames that I got at a yard sale going to use them for these. I plan on collageing on them. So stay tuned for that.
Also I joined another swap that was what I did yesterday and it got posted on the wrong blog so I deleted and now have to redo it. That will be next blog.
All for now thanks for looking and come back soon.
Blessings Donna
Monday, May 2, 2011
Well second time for trying this, First time I hit publish and it did not publish. So I will try again. This is a test post. I also will try and post a pic and see where you can put text. On top or and at the bottom of pic.
Here goes, this is 3 frames I got at a yard sale few weeks ago. I already made a back ground to collage on for them. I used wall paper from an out dated wall paper book.
Going to try and post this again.
Ok, this big dummy figured it out. lol
Another close up of sunflower.
This is a pic of the book that I am altering. Not the best pic but you get the idea. I got off to a not so good start to this. I could not figure out what to do. So I started by just doing some back ground work on the pages, gluing several together so the book is not so fat, and generally just back ground work. Finally I started with the sunflower and it kinda just started to fall in place. I did not do it all at one time, that I found out is not the way this art works most of the time. I learned from other altered artist that you let your muse lead you. LOL didn't know I had one till now and still not sure when or how she will show up.