WOW! I didn't realize how long since I posted last. Sorry for the time lapse. I have been really busy down here in Florida! I love it here! This is my VTT post I know its early but I have to do it when I can. This is a print from a painting by Corneille Max. Germany 1875-1924 her name is

Anna Bridgitta, and that's all the info I could find out. If anyone knows anything else please comment. The dresser in the other pic is an old antique dressing table, that was in my dads hunting camp for years and years, it now is in my bed room in Florida. It is all oak it was refinished and is beautiful ! I have been here helping my dad, we had a big yard sale for him and did really good you can see pic's of it on my other blog http://grammyandthepapillonprinces.blogspot.com/
I also re-habed a couple night stands red white and blue, there are pic of those also. My time here has gone so fast, can't believe it.
It has been the coldest winter in Fl in 50 yrs, figures the winter I come!! I will be heading back to PA in about 23 days , seems like it was just the other day I was counting down the time to leave for FL. I have a few things yet to help dad with before I leave , he wants to hang a new door on the Florida room , seems that the salt from the ocean got to it. I will take pic's when we do it.I will be coming back in the fall.
My DD in VA is deep into the Relay for Life. She is doing fund raisers there and she has a web page for one of the fund raisers. My mother died of breast ca when she was 4o yrs old , in 1969. She is doing this for her, she has a pic of mom on the page a very old pic of her sitting on the bank of a creek with feet in the water, check it out and donate if you would like to help out breast ca research. And thanks in advance. I think next yr I will get involved. Here is the link, I will put it on my side bar if I can figure out how
blessings to all
Nice vintage furniture. Wish I had some. So nice to see it in your home.
ReplyDeleteThat is an interesting VTT post for today. I really like the old dresser.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty old dresser and mirror.
ReplyDeleteThat dresser was in a hunting camp??? I can hardly imagine....it is a beautiful piece of furniture! Glad you were able to rescue it!! Have a great VTT
ReplyDeleteBeautiful dresser, Donna! I bet a mirror like that makes people look even more beautiful! So glad you rescued it!
ReplyDeleteI love the curved front of that dresser. I can't believe it survived hunting camp!
ReplyDeleteYour header caught my eye! Have you been in my kitchen? Lovely pieces.
ReplyDeletelove the dresser.. lovely treasure! and very precious too! happy VTT
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful dresser, thanks fro sharing. Peace, Stephanie
ReplyDeleteI love the painting,and I love that gorgeous dresser. It's a real treasure..Happy VTT, have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh what a wonderful dressing table- such elegant lines on it, you did a great job refinishing it! :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful dresser. Good luck to your daugher, it's an important cause to raise money for.
ReplyDeleteI have that same painting in my home. Any idea on the value of it?