I met this lady who had set up behind my RV, while I was at the sunrise Easter service held in my home park. Her name is Trisha and she is a local artist…she is working on a under painting taken from a photo of the eau Gallie river in the late 1900’s. She told me a lot of intresting history of the area, and made me even more want to get a kayak to explore up this river.
Some things I have been working on…
I started working on a few of some tags I already had made up…I wanted to put some beady charms on them so they could be used as book marks.
Here is a close up of one so you can see a little better…I still want to do a craft show sometime this year…so I guess this is a good way to start when your muse is on vacation. Right click to see better.
And last but not least…
This is the flaming flamingo RV girl I have been working on…I got some chip board sticky letters from a craft store and after the first rain they started coming apart. So I painted them on with puff paint and put black /green glitter on them..I put welcome on the other side in case I wanted to use it some where not camping with the Women RV girls. She will live here in this spot in my RV unless I am camping…then she will be on a flag pole outside.
Not doing much…
That’s about my life right now…not doing much..after the fun and adventure of Jan and part of Feb….the let down now is hard to take. I am getting antsy about heading north for the summer….I am ready now …but I don’t think the weather is ready for me yet…so that’s it for now thanks for looking and come back soon
Blessings donna