Working on this fairy project now…old cigar box…I have a few of these hanging around…I sprayed it black…you can paint it any color you want….right click on the pic’s to get a better look.

I used an old children's fairy book pages for the back ground and the edges….I can not remember what it was...click on this pic to see those sweet little bunnie fairys...

On the edges I cut the paper and put some puffy paint between. Either I am out of practice or I am getting old…was a little shaky trying to get a straight line. Used decopodge to do all the papers.

Here is some of the fairy related items I have gathered up to do this project. I need more!! I am going to make some faires using pic of vintage people women and kids mostly and put some butterfly wings on them… from an old butterfly book…to make more fairies. After looking around I got so many ideas to make these boxes using trays, printer trays, cigar boxes…looking for other ideas on things I could use instead of the trays and boxes…they are getting hard to find.

Here is amost finished sewing box. There is a lot more you could put in here…when selling these I have to come up with some way to tell people what they can do with them….Haven’t worked on much this week…had one of the RVWomen gals come to visit. She stayed at Wickham Park campground and I went over during the day and we had fun doing a few things and doing a lot of yaking. Her dog is a small dog with the name “Maggie” lol…that was fun…Been think about my trip north this year…besides working on the house and doc appointments…there are a few other things I want to do…hope I can get it all done…
all for now thanks for looking and come back soon
blessings donna