My frog garden…I made it with a bunch of succulent starts that neighbor gave me …I have been adding a few things to it…along with some frogs…everything is green I like looking at it.. :)

Here is some pic’s of my messy, messy, art/craft room. UGLY! I have done nothing it this room since last May. After the horrific summer in PA…It just wasn’t in my heart to do anything.

Work desk pilled high with stuff…what a mess…sometimes I would just bring things in here and plop them down…

Maggie taking a nap while I am trying t organize…been working on it for a few days and getting not much done it seems like. I want to put some things in my rig so I can craft on the road.
We have been busy Maggie & me….went on a shake now cruse to a local park learned the ropes with an internet friend that full times in her RV. Then my sister came to visit and we went to a GTG (get together) at Hillsborough State Park for a week. We had a blast. sure made us feel better. Made me happy! If you want to see what has been happening…check out my other site.
While I was cleaning up the room…it put me in mood to make something….so I started today…and will post about it next time….
Thanks for looking and come back soon..