Here are a couple of swaps I received in the last few weeks. This one was from Tee's Bathing Beauties swap. My partner for this swap was Franny what a wonderful tag this is. I love it Franny. Franny does not have a blog. You should go for one Franny your work is great!!!
And this is some things that Franny sent along for the ride. Neat stuff for my art work! I just now was able to do your tag Franny and will send it out soon. 
And over at Tee's again she started a new swap. The Alphabet ABC.....ATC Series. This is the first one so it is the letter A. You can jump in any time with this swap, so go on over and join up!
My partner for this swap was Jane over at . For her A letter she used the word art, and made this great ATC. Love it Jane yours will be in the mail soon. And speaking of mail look at the neat mail art she did with the envy! Fantastic Jane.
Blessings to all