For my VTT today I have some more of my stuff. I am packing up and ran across some more so thought I might as well be for VTT.

For my VTT today I have some more of my stuff. I am packing up and ran across some more so thought I might as well be for VTT.
To start with is a couple of pieces of white enamel with red trim. I seems like the red trim enamel is the most sought after. I use to have a lot of this and sold a lot too. I have only a few pieces left for my self.
Next is a couple of vintage coffee pots that I painted white then added my sweet red cherries. This is more of what I use to sell on ebay. These two items are for sale if you are interested please contact me.
Last is some vintage cookie cutters. We use to paint them also as you can see the metal ones with the cherries on them. The others are red plastic HRM cookie cutters, that most often brought in big $$ also. I don't know why but the collectors wanted the HRM cutters.
I am still busy gettting ready to sell the house, and move to FL. You can check on that and more about me and Maggie on my other blog. http://grammyandthepapillonprinces.blogspot.com/
Check it out.
And don't forget to visit the host of VTT she has a great blog!
Thats all for now
Blessings to all