Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here is the other side of sink area with depression glass plate, daisy plate, and chalkware.
Beautiful green plater, but I forgot to turn it over to see if it was marked
and these plastic fruit magnets ....I use to have them on my fridge when kids were litlle that would be in the early 60's
Hope you enjoyed my dd 's vintage kitchen...there is more but this is all I got for now. I just love her colors...she said when she did it that when they sold the house she would have change it back to a more "normal kitchen" lol. Anyway wish I could be so daring! Don't for get to go over to our great host for TTTy's
blessings to all


  1. I remember the plastic fruit refrigerator magnets!!!! That is quite a fun and fruity collection you have there!

  2. I love that plate in the second photo. It's different and the colors are wonderful.
    Go ahead and be daring like your daughter. There's only one life. Might as well paint your house the way you want it.

  3. I like the fruit magnets. I like the name of your blog too--my kitchen is decorated with red apple thingies.

  4. Wow, I just love all those colors! I guess I'm like you in that I love colors but the thought never occurs to me to use such daring colors. It's a walk on the wild side and I'm scared over there.

  5. I love that platter and the fruit magnets. The colors are so bright and pretty. Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.

  6. Your daughter has a wonderful kitchen. Chalkware is so neat.

  7. Your DD vintage kitchen is just wonderful! Love the colors and the depression glass plates!

  8. I have those depression glass plates too!
    And a set of those fruit magnets...I love kitchen vintage the best!!
    Great glad you shared, and thanks for stopping by to visit me!

  9. Loved your post...I told you I had a set of the little man and lady plates, I had to show them off this week too! Thanks for participating in VTT. Sorry, my comment was late, I have been out of town.
